What a wonderful week I had with my son! We did lots of literacy activities at home related to The Three Billy Goats Gruff. It is a classic fairy tale: Three billy goats try to cross the bridge to get some fresh grass. A troll threatens to eat each one, but let’s the two smaller ones pass as he thought he will eat the biggest goat. But biggest billy-goat knocked him down into the stream and passed the bridge.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Haven’t read the story? Show this to your children.
Literacy activities:
Download Three billy goat word mat
- Character writing:
Download Three Billy Goats Gruff Character Writing
- Write about the characters, setting, problem and solution:
- I can retell the story:
Write the story of Three billy goats in your own words
- Wanted Poster
- Let’s interview the troll.
Download Troll interview questions
- Phonics practice: ff and ss
Thanks to moturoa.blogspot.co.uk
I hope you enjoyed today’s article. Lots of fairy tales activities and worksheets coming soon. Like our Facebook page to stay updated. Thanks
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